So, we did this thing. Almost two weeks ago we went in for a
“secret” embryo transfer. We thought, “how cool would it be if we could
surprise our friends and family with good news?!” so we didn’t share publicly about
this transfer. Although, if I’m being completely honest, that wasn’t the only
reason we didn’t share. I was also trying to protect our hearts, and keep us
all focused on Reid’s transplant journey.
On August 1st, we transferred one of our day-6
“good fair fair” embryos. We had weeks of prep leading up to the transfer,
which included oral estrogen and a new nightly injection of progesterone in oil
(PIO). We remained “cautiously optimistic.” And until this past Monday, I
really believed that it had worked and we were pregnant. All of my hormone
levels had been right in range and my progesterone was higher than it had ever
been before. This was it. But it wasn’t.
Our official “beta” (blood test to confirm pregnancy) wasn’t
set until Wednesday, the 15th (today, if you’re reading the day I’ve
posted). But I was so sure it was going to be positive that I asked – well,
begged – my doctor’s office to go ahead and test when I went in on Monday. This
round Reid and I agreed that we would not be testing at home. We’d wait for the
blood work, and let them tell us. Because at this point we know too much, and
we know how crazy testing without having the blood work to back it up makes me.
Monday afternoon one of my nurses called and said “Abby, I’m
so sorry.” Really?? Are you serious?? But I had almost every pregnancy symptom
in the book, and I was just so sure.
We are heartbroken, mad, disappointed, and all of the other
feelings that you would expect. Some days I really have a hard time seeing how
we’re going to get to the other side of this and be holding babies in our arms.
The more “no’s” and “not yet’s” we hear, the harder it becomes to see the light
at the end of the tunnel.

I have put my body through hell to try to have a baby. I
have prayed, I have begged, and I have cried more tears than I want to admit over
the last four years (officially this month). We have endured countless tests. I
have been injected with hormones 101 times. I have had I don’t even know how
many blood draws and transvaginal ultrasounds. We’ve gone through 4 pregnancy
losses, 3 egg retrievals, and 2 embryo transfers. Seriously, what more can we
do? I’m tired. I feel like I’m nearing my limit. And I feel like our support
system is too.
When I started blogging in January of 2017, I wasn’t sure
what to expect. But I did not think that a year and a half later, I would still
be sharing the heartbreaks.
We do have one frozen embryo left, so we’re not totally out
of the game. And we are going to move forward with transferring our last embryo
soon (I don’t have dates yet, and not sure whether we’ll share them when we do).
We are praying and hoping that this last embryo is our healthy baby. And if
not, we’ll figure out where to go from there.
We appreciate and need all of the love, prayers and
positivity you have to spare over the next month. I know that this saga seems
to be never ending. I am so tired of sharing bad news, and I’m sure you’re
tired of reading/hearing it. But as worn down as we feel, as hopeless as we may
be some days, we still feel like we have to keep fighting for our baby. So,
please check on us. Send us words of encouragement. Ask us to hang out. If you
don’t know what to say, it’s okay to say so. Just let us know that you’re there
and behind us. You have no idea how much that helps. Please don’t offer advice,
or make suggestions. I know we may seem crazy for jumping into another transfer
so soon, but know that we aren’t doing it without great thought. And if this
doesn’t work, and we have to make more decisions, those will be even tougher.
From the outside looking in, it may seem obvious to you what we should do next.
But let me tell you, it’s so much more complicated than that. And the decisions
that we make are not made lightly.
If you are reading this, you are making a difference in our
story. I hope that by sharing our heartbreaks, we are showing others that they
are not alone. But we also need the support, and we appreciate it more than we
can say.
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